Project: “More Than 100 Smiles Delivered in Brownsville, Brooklyn” (Guest blog post)
Role: Writer and editor
Task: Create a story-driven guest blog post for FedEx Corporation. Illustrate their impactful volunteerism with United Way of New York City.
Result: FedEx Corporation approved and published the post as part of their brand news.
Project: “Five Spices for Finding Harmony: The Ayurvedic Apothecary Hidden in Your Kitchen” (Guest blog post)
Role: Editor
Task: Help a health and wellness entrepreneur fine-tune her guest blog post for the Yoga in Vietnam website.
Result: Yoga in Vietnam loved the post! They especially appreciated how we optimized it for their readers and content management system.
Social media
Project: New York Every Student Succeeds Act social media campaign
Role: Strategist, writer, editor and distributor
Task: Break down the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), an education civil rights law, into consumable, persuasive social media content with a clear call to action. Drive engagement to increase public feedback on New York ESSA 2017 plan.
Result: The mini cross-channel campaign earned 11,400+ organic impressions and 200+ organic engagements.
Project: “Stop. Look up, around. Sip air.” A postcard contribution for The Chain Mail Club—a collaborative art network that champions snail mail.
Role: Writer and designer
Task: Create a postcard challenging people to think outside themselves and inspiring small activism.
Project: While earning my UX writing certification through UX Writers Collective, I worked on Handshake, a fictional app. Handshake makes billing and project tracking easy between Freelancers and Business Owners. As part of the work, I generated product-focused customer emails.
Role: Writer
Write an email for a Freelancer who just signed up to use Handshake for the first time.
Write an email for a Freelancer who just canceled their account.
Result: I received positive feedback from instructors on the content clarity and tone. They especially appreciated the introduction of a survey in Task 2 to gain feedback from our customers.